Covid-19 Response

I take my responsibility to your health and safety very seriously and want to ensure the right plan is in place to support a safe environment. 

  1. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, we ask that you do not book a private session for 14 days and have been symptom free for three days.

  2. If you have a cough, fever, or symptoms of COVID-19, please do not book a private session until you’re symptom-free and fever-free for three days.

  3. If you feel unwell or have any concerns, please stay home and stay safe. 

Standards of Health

  • If you show any signs of illness, please do not book an appointment

  • Check for fever of over 100.4 degrees

  • Please wash or sanitize your hands before private session.

Bring Your Own Gear (BYOG)

  • Personal Mats/blocks/blankets must be used.

  • Sanitize your gear whether you’re in-studio or are at home.

Community and love is in my DNA—but right now, I will withhold from high-fives and hugs. It might be a bit overwhelming at first. But trust me: As soon as you take your first down dog, you’ll find yourself in that familiar place you know and love.